Spotlight on the Board: Meet Mollie, Our Corresponding Secretary

In July, we entered a new term and welcomed a new board of elected officers and trustees to the OANYC Intergroup. We want to introduce them to you by having a monthly spotlight. This month, we are featuring Mollie T., our Corresponding Secretary.

Today I turn 34 years old, but I feel as though my life only truly began when I entered OA and became abstinent two years and 8 months ago. Since then I have let go of 45 pounds (110 pounds down from my top weight) and have experienced changes in myself and my life I thought were impossible.

Through working the steps and using the tools of OA I have developed new ways of dealing with life on life’s terms. Instead of turning to food, I reach out to my HP, my sponsor and my fellows for help. Instead of a life of isolation and self-obsession, through steps 4 to 9 I have begun to heal relationships damaged by my eating disorder. I have overcome crippling social anxiety to develop new friendships. The rooms of OA have been my training ground for life, allowing me to safely take risks, overcome fears, and work on handling situations and people in healthier ways.

Whereas in the past my birthday always triggered feelings of self-recrimination, pity, regret, and hopelessness, today as I reflect on my life I can see myself and the world through God’s eyes. I am so grateful for the many blessings I’ve found in this community. I am grateful I survived years of self-harm and am alive to be on this journey of self-discovery. I am grateful for the people, places and experiences that led me to OA. I am grateful I came to OA desperate, finally willing to admit I AM powerless over food and my life was completely unmanageable.

Today it is such a relief, an amazing gift, that I can rely on a power greater than myself for guidance, unconditional love, and acceptance. I am no longer alone, lost, hopeless, frozen in fear, wishing I were dead every day of my life. Miraculously I am more happy, joyous and free than I have ever been before. I rejoice that for today I am abstinent, growing, learning, becoming more open each day to the abundance and endless possibility of a life beyond my wildest dreams.

“Thy Will, not mine be done” is my mantra, my touchstone, my guiding light through any storm that comes my way. Thank God for OA!! Thank God for each and everyone of you in the rooms: my friends, my family, my fellow travelers on this journey of recovery!!

By Mollie T.