Sponsorship 101

Fourth Universalist Society 160 Central Park West, Manhattan, NY, United States

ONe time Cancellation-Sunday 6pm Meeting (Anorexia/Bulimia focus) Sunday 6pm meeting (Anorexia/Bulimia focus) at Fourth Universalist Society, 160 Central Park West, Manhattan cancelled on 9/29

OA Sunday Big Book Meeting

OA Sunday Big Book Meeting on 9/29/19 This is a one time cancellation (holiday/weather related) 6pm - 7pm Meeting Contact Person: Sean Brown 917-449-5739

Cancelled today: Tuesday 12:30 PM

Sutton Place Synagogue 225 E 51st St (Btwn 2nd & 3rd Ave, 6th Floor) New York, NY 10022 (Beginners Focused Meeting) This meeting will be Closed for the Jewish High Holidays. We WILL meet on 10/8/19 But will be closed for 10/15 & 10/22 RESUMING normal meetings on 10/29/19