Sponsorship 101
Fourth Universalist Society 160 Central Park West, Manhattan, NY, United StatesONe time Cancellation-Sunday 6pm Meeting (Anorexia/Bulimia focus) Sunday 6pm meeting (Anorexia/Bulimia focus) at Fourth Universalist Society, 160 Central Park West, Manhattan cancelled on 9/29
OA Sunday Big Book Meeting
OA Sunday Big Book Meeting on 9/29/19 This is a one time cancellation (holiday/weather related) 6pm - 7pm Meeting Contact Person: Sean Brown 917-449-5739
One time Cancellation:Women’s Sexuality Meeting
St. Mary's Church (133 W. 46th St.) will meet at 302 Convent Ave., NY, NY 10031 This change will only be for the holiday as the church is closed.
Cancelled today: Tuesday 12:30 PM
Sutton Place Synagogue 225 E 51st St (Btwn 2nd & 3rd Ave, 6th Floor) New York, NY 10022 (Beginners Focused Meeting) This meeting will be Closed for the Jewish High Holidays. We WILL meet on 10/8/19 But will be closed for 10/15 & 10/22 RESUMING normal meetings on 10/29/19