Outreach Committee Meeting

Outreach Committee Meeting Google Meeting https://meet.google.com/fen-krkz-qmzmeet.google.com/fen-krkz-qmz This event is: Metro Intergroup Committee Meeting  

Outreach Committee Monthly Meeting

Event Location (Facility Name) Zoom meeting Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81969988848?pwd=WWEyQjBaMlJmTG9VQzlEbnpXYy9Pdz09 Meeting ID: 819 6998 8848 Passcode: 897729 1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Monthly Outreach Committee Meeting. We endeavor to carry the message to undeserved communities.

Retreat Planning Committee Meeting

Please join in the fun of planning our next Retreat Planning Committee meeting! Zoom Meeting Planning Committee Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83376647268?pwd=T1lBWHpvc2wwV2NjM2IwRHdKZk1wZz09 Meeting ID: 833 7664 7268 Passcode: 289549 This event is: Metro Intergroup Committee Meeting

Outreach Committee Monthly Meeting

Zoom meeting Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81969988848?pwd=WWEyQjBaMlJmTG9VQzlEbnpXYy9Pdz09 Meeting ID: 819 6998 8848 Passcode: 897729 1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Event Description: Outreach Committee Meeting. We endeavor to carry the message of OA to undeserved communities.

Virtual Retreat: “Coming Together in Recovery: Welcoming Every OA Member”

Saturday, 12/12 will run from 10am - 11pm ET and Sunday, 12/13 will run from 10am - 2:30pm ET. The weekend will be drop-in style with 3 virtual rooms with different events happening throughout the weekend. Some of these events are Panel Speakers, writing workshops, focused meetings, drop-in yoga and meditation, virtual hikes and virtual […]