Submit The Event

The Greater New York Metro Intergroup Calendar is provided as a service to support OA sanctioned events or Intergroup-related activities. If you would like to have your Metro IG Committee meeting or local OA Group event added to our events calendar, please fill out the information below and submit. This will be sent to our admin volunteers, and we will do our best to get your event posted as soon as possible. Please ensure that your email is correct should we need to contact you with questions.

Please Note: Greater NY Metro Intergroup DOES NOT post calendar events for outside interests or organizations as this would be a violation of Tradition 6. (An OA group ought never endorse, finance or lend the OA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.)

This form is not for meeting changes. If you have a meeting change, please use visit the Meeting Registration Information Page for information on how to submit meeting changes.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please Note: Greater NY Metro Intergroup DOES NOT post calendar events for outside interests or organizations. Any events submitted which are not directly sponsored by any of the following service bodies: Local OA Group, Intergroup, Region, or World Service; WILL NOT BE POSTED.
Event Begin Date and Time
Event End Date and Time
In order for your event to be linked to a map, it is important to include the full street address including the zip code.
Please provide a brief description about the event. What is the topic? What will the event be doing? etc... It is IMPORTANT to provide a description because the posting on the calendar as well as the online post will be lacking information which may draw attendees. Your webmaster is not an editor. 🙂
Is this facility wheelchair accessible?
This Event is:
Please Note: Greater NY Metro Intergroup DOES NOT post calendar events for Non-OA sponsored events. Any event submitted outside of OA will be discarded.
Acceptable file types: doc, pdf, txt, gif, jpg, jpeg, png. Maximum file size: 3mb.
PLEASE NOTE: The following requirements apply for images to be used on our website: Banner Images for main page must be exactly 1080px by 350px and should be in .png format. Transparent layer slides may be included and should also be the same dimensions All other images should be no less than 1200px on any side. All non banner images must be in one of the following formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif All images submitted must be free of copy-write and must not require attribution. The web committee is not responsible for the content or source of images submitted for events. Maximum file size: 3mb.